This morning, as a family, we were reading in Mark 4:35-41. You know how the story goes...The disciples were on a boat with a sleeping Jesus, when a storm came up and all the disciples got fearful. When they asked Jesus, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" After telling the wind and the waves to "Quiet! Be still!," Jesus said, "Why are you afraid, do you still have no faith?"
We talked about how the disciples could possibly question Jesus' authority after having already spent so much time with Him. My husband pointed out that this was the first miracle that actually impacted them! Up until this point, they observed many miracles performed in others' lives, but this was the first one that actually affected them personally. Interesting...
God wants us to "weather the storms" of life, remembering that Jesus is at the helm. He is never oblivious to anything that is happening in our lives. He loves us and He wants us to trust Him.
The good news is that although there are times in our lives when it feels like Jesus is sleeping or is not available for us, that is never the case! In times like that, it's because we've distanced ourselves from Him, not the other way around.
So, I got to thinking about me and how I "weather storms." Often I fail miserably...I wear my feelings on my sleeve. I also let my emotions take over. Another thing my husband says is "God's facts are more important than my feelings." God was gently reminding me, that in situations when I'm tempted to get worried or upset, I need to remember that He is near. I do not need to let my emotions take control. I need to pray and remember that God is in control. I need to only do what He tells me to do and nothing more. Many situations in life are out of my control. I need to do as I tell my children, "Do your best and let God take care of the rest."
Way to go babe!