Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Part 2, of Disobedience of Sharing God's Work in our lives

My fifteen year old and I just finished exercising, and now I can "treat" myself to sitting down and writing a new blog post. :o) See related article here: "How do I get motivated to exercise?" 

In part one, I shared about my disobedience to the Lord in sharing about the things He is doing in our lives. I'm convinced that He gets a kick out of blessing us for our obedience to Him, just as we love blessing our children when they are obedient to us. Do we still bless them when they don't deserve it? Of course we do! With God, none of us deserve to be blessed by Him because of our sinful nature, but He loves us and desires to bless us even when we don't deserve it.

Our first tuition payment for Nathan was due on the 6th of June, yesterday. Last week, we had no idea how that payment would get paid, but God provided! Part of it was paid by Nathan himself, part of it was paid by gifts from a few friends and family. The day I took the payment to the school to put in the drop box, I was so grateful to the Lord. You see, 5 years ago, we had a nice, regular income and two boys went to this school one year at the same time. Although it wasn't easy to make the payments, we were still able to make them and pay for all the bills, etc. But, this time it's different, because we do not have a regular income yet. And, the money my husband makes for the hard work he does, is not much. The amount he makes is either just enough for bare necessities, or God adds to it, what we need, in other creative and miraculous ways.

Another cool thing happened yesterday. Two days ago, I mentioned to a friend who regularly prays for our family, that I was dreading going to the used curriculum/uniform sale at the school, because I only had $20. Well, $20 doesn't go very far when you have to buy two uniforms for a teenage boy and 12th grade curriculum! Suffice it to say, that God provided for almost all of the curriculum and uniforms we needed! Praise God! I was so relieved...

Lord, please forgive me for doubting and thank you for your forgiveness and understanding when I do doubt. Thank you also for your unfailing love and for your faithfulness.


  1. Praise God. I came home from our visit with a real burden because I knew you didn't have any money. I have been praying for you, as I usually do. I am always blessed, when the Lord blesses you and you share about it. Thanks for keeping us posted.

  2. I think my mom's recipe's are THE BEEEEEEEEEEST IN THE WHOLE WORLD.I Love my mom. Hannah

  3. Awww...thank you, Sweetie! I love you, too! :o)
