Friday, November 4, 2011

Enter to Win Tickets To DISNEY ON ICE!!!

Enter our contest for a family 4-pack of tickets to 
Disney on Ice!!!
To enter, just do these two things:
1) Become a "follower" on our blog (click on the link that says "join this site" 
(if you are already a follower, then just do #2)!

2) Post a comment below to tell us that you are a follower 
and that you want to win a family 4-pack of tickets to "Disney On Ice!" 
And, leave us your email address (to contact you if you are the winner)

There! That's all there is to it! Easy, huh?
You have to enter the contest no later than Wednesday, November 16.
(We will pick one winner, at random...and will notify the winner by email)
Thanks for entering our contest! :o)

P.S. See below for the winner of our contest we had last month.


  1. I am a follower and would love to win the tickets to the Disney on ice and take miss Skylee :))my email is

  2. I am a follower, and would love to win the four pack to disneys on ice for my daughter, chloe. My e-mail is :
    thanks for the invite and God bless!!!

  3. We're going to draw the winner today! So, I'm curious...are you two going to take each other if you win? :o)

  4. Lol iwas going to take them but im not sure about jordana well see, whatever happens happens, no hurt feelings im excited for them :)
